
Photo Credit: Alex Sol

Photo Credit: Alex Sol

Photo Credit: Joshua Yospyn

Photo Credit: Joshua Yospyn

“Comet has built a reputation as one of the safest, most welcoming arts spaces in the city. The club’s booker, Sasha Lord, is known for cooking up diverse, inspired bills that frequently showcase little-known acts (Downtown Boys, Tunde Olaniran) who’ll hit it big a year or two later. In keeping with the D.C. punk ethos, Comet has opened its doors to a slew of benefit concerts and community events, like a showcase for all-female bands who’d come together, learned their instruments, and written a song in a single weekend. Showgoers are as likely to find themselves nodding their heads next to NPR’s Bob Boilen as they are a high-school outcast from a Maryland suburb who’s convinced her parents to drop her off at her first garage rock show. Comet is a platform for art from the margins.”

-Christina Cauterucci and Jonathan L Fischer, Slate

"Long a bastion for touring bands, local acts, pizza lovers, families and ping-pong enthusiasts, the eclectic atmosphere fostered by Comet Ping Pong has proved its mettle and lasting resilience time and time again. For over a decade now, the Chevy Chase dining room and performance slash ping-pong space in the back have showcased the weird, the punk, the rock, the indie, and the experimental that D.C. and the eastern seaboard has to offer. Sasha Lord’s booking prowess, the undefeated combination of great pizza and beer, and the resolute group of artists, families, and neighbors that call Comet home will assure the continued success as one of the most unique venues in D.C.

- Josh Phelps, Brightest Young Things

News Reports and Press Shout-outs for Sasha Lord Presents: